Top 30 Universities Info Session and Virtual Tour Links

Helen Chiu , Jul 14, 2021

The pandemic has served as a double-edged sword for high school students applying to college. 

While students cannot visit the universities they hope to spend the next four years of their lives, colleges have made learning about their offerings more accessible than ever through virtual events. 

I strongly recommend rising seniors to check out the information sessions and virtual tours offered by colleges that interest them. You can gather material for “Why This College?” essays and show the university some love. 

Schools outside of the Top 20 might even consider your attendance to virtual events when making your admissions decision. 

If you get to connect with an admissions officer during an information session, remember to ask some questions and send a follow-up thank you email to begin building a positive relationship. 

I also highly recommend attending student panels if they’re available. Hearing from students themselves can provide you rich and unique insights that you otherwise would not from information sessions. 


Info Session

Virtual Tour

Email List Sign Up


Info Session

Virtual Tour

Email List Sign Up


Info Session

Virtual Tour

Regional Virtual Receptions


Info Session

Virtual Tour

Model Class


Info Session

Virtual Tour

Student Panels


Info Session

Virtual Tour

Ask a Student


Info Session

Virtual Tour

Student Forums


Info Session

Virtual Tour


Johns Hopkins

Info Session

Virtual Tour

App Workshops


Info Session

Virtual Tour

Student Panels

Duke University

Info Session

Virtual Tour

Student Stories

Dartmouth College

Info Session

Virtual Tour

Summer Series


Info Session

Virtual Tour

Live Q&A


Info Session

Virtual Tour

Contact Your AO

Rice University

Info Session

Virtual Tour

Student Ask Me Anything

Washington University in St. Louis

Info Session

Virtual Tour

Student Panel 


Info Session

Virtual Tour

Online Events

University of Notre Dame

Virtual Tour

On-Demand Sessions

Emory University

Info Session

Virtual Tour

Student Panel


Info Session

Virtual Tour

International Visits


Info Session

Virtual Tour

Student Panel

Carnegie Mellon

Info Session

Virtual Tour

Admissions Counseling Sessions

University of Virginia

Info Session

Virtual Tour

UNC Chapel Hill

Info Session

Virtual Tour

Wake Forest University

Info Session

International Hour

New York University

Info Session

Virtual Tour

Tufts University

Info Session

Virtual Tour

Connect with Students

Boston College

Info Session

Virtual Tour

Student Discussion

Tulane University

Info Session

Virtual Tour

Student Panel

Boston University

Info Session

Virtual Tour

Walnut Assistant

Jul 17, 2021
Very comprehensive collection of information