Leonor Willis, M.S.Ed.

Leonor Willis, M.S.Ed.

Baltimore, Maryland



Website and Social Media


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Academic Record

Johns Hopkins University

Master , GPA: 3.96

Education as major

June 1, 2019 ~ May 26, 2021

Georgetown University

Bachelor , GPA: 3.90

Culture and Politics as major

Sept. 2, 2015 ~ May 19, 2019

Work Experiences

Total Consulting Experiences: 5.8 years

Senior Advisor


Dec. 1, 2020 ~ now , 4.3 years

•Mentor high school juniors and seniors about the college application process via online meetings
•Revise college application essays and provide suggestions on other application materials
•Consult students on various colleges and discuss the strengths of their applications

Applications Consultant


Aug. 1, 2017 ~ Feb. 15, 2019 , 1.5 years

•Guided 5+ high school seniors through the entire college application process via weekly online meetings
•Mentored 5+ future college applicants through the College Strategy Program before applications season begins




School Categories

Ivy League


Schools in the East Coast USA

Top 30 US News National Universities


Education Studies

International Relations


Major Categories

Interdisciplinary Studies

Social Sciences and Humanities

Accepted Applications

Licenses & Certificates


Verified Reviews verified

One (1) Edited Essay

Standard enrollment, 1 school

Includes in-line revisions for grammar and style, as well as overall feedback, returned within 2 days.

1. Essay Editing

$ 50

2 days, Includes in-line revisions for grammar and style, as well as overall feedback, returned within 2 days.


$ 50

Three (3) Edited Essays

Standard enrollment, 3 schools

Includes in-line revisions for grammar and style for three essays of your choice, as well as overall feedback, returned within 5 days.

1. Essay Editing

$ 120

5 days, Includes in-line revisions for grammar and style for three essays of your choice, as well as overall feedback, returned within 5 days.


$ 120