Audra Mika

Audra Mika

Bristol, Connecticut



I empower students to launch lives they love after high school and college. As a professional editor, copywriter, and college coach, I support my clients in navigating college applications and in writing compelling college essays, personal statements, and social media profiles. For my career coaching clients, I guide them in writing cover letters and résumés, and in boosting their confidence to nail interviews and salary negotiations. Whether working one-on-one or leading workshops, I inspire my clients to reflect on what is meaningful in their lives and to always dream big and add a zero.

Website and Social Media


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Academic Record

Quinnipiac University


Journalism as major

Sept. 1, 2001 ~ Dec. 1, 2004

Simmons University


English as major

Sept. 1, 1987 ~ May 19, 1991

Work Experiences

Total Consulting Experiences: 19.4 years


The Write Fit Career & College Prep Coaching

March 1, 2016 ~ now , 8.9 years

-Inspire and empower high school and college students in person and online to craft compelling written communication including college admissions essays, personal statements, résumés, cover letters, and social media profiles; conduct mock interviews, and advise on career decisions-Collaborate with entrepreneurs and organizations to successfully conceptualize, implement, and manage multi-faceted strategy for marketing/communications and PR initiatives to promote businesses internally/externally-Recruit and work 1:1 with seasoned and new writers to help them get their stories into the world; edited three best-selling books on Amazon

High School English teacher

Farmington and Bristol Easter high schools

Aug. 28, 2005 ~ June 20, 2020 , 14.8 years

Led journalism workshop preparing students for professional positions in PR, marketing, advertising, and layout & design; supervised student newspaper content, layout, printing, and advertising; ran 11th and 12th grade literature classes, engaging students in reading, writing, and speaking through differentiation and student-led projects; designed differentiated instruction to engage diverse group of 11th & 12th grade students in British Literature, Mythology and ELL; collaborated with English department on curriculum and implementing best practices for meeting students’ academic, social, and emotional needs



School Categories


High School



Colleges, Universities, And Professional Schools


Major Categories

Accepted Applications

Licenses & Certificates

IECA (Independent Educational Consultants Association)

Dec. 1, 2020


Verified Reviews verified

Personal Statement Coaching

Standard enrollment, 5 schools

I walk students through the entire essay writing process, from brainstorming ideas to perfecting a final draft.

1. Essay Editing

$ 500

14 days, Upon receipt of draft, includes preliminary brainstorming, 4 rounds of comments and 2 final rounds of language edits.

2. Extracurricular Activities

$ 185

5 days,

3. Interview Prep

$ 200

5 days,

4. Resume Portfolio

$ 250

7 days,


$ 1,135