Marissa Margosian

Marissa Margosian

Pasadena, Maryland



Finding great colleges that fit your talents, strengths, requirements takes time and expertise. It doesn’t just happen. Let me help you find the right schools and put yourself in the best possible position to be looked at favorably in the admissions process!

With more than 1,900 4-year, non-profit colleges in the U.S. alone, finding the right college and negotiating the application process can be daunting, time-consuming, and stressful - but it doesn’t have to be!

I encourage you to get in contact for an initial consultation to see how I can assist you! I'm located in Maryland but work virtually with students across the country.

Website and Social Media


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Academic Record

Binghamton University-SUNY


Anthropology as major

Sept. 1, 2003 ~ June 15, 2006

Work Experiences

Total Consulting Experiences: 16.3 years

College Counselor

Royal Thai Scholars

July 15, 2017 ~ now , 7.5 years

Half of a two-person college counseling team working with the newly arrived scholars during their intensive summer orientation program. We introduce them to the American higher education system and the admission process before they go to a boarding school for a postgraduate year. We work with students to thoughtfully and thoroughly answer self-reflective questions that will help them in supplemental essays and help their boarding school college counselor get to know them; provide first-hand information and tours of several college campuses in New England; coordinate visits from numerous college/university representatives from around the country; and help students begin to develop a balanced

Director of College Counseling

Boarding School

Jan. 1, 2017 ~ now , 8.1 years

I provide intentional, extensive, and personal/individualized guidance to our students:* I offer an in-depth, multi-year approach to help girls and their families navigate the college search and application process, scholarships and financial aid, enrichment summer programs, and other options (gap year, military, etc).* I meet girls where they are, get to know them, and help them find institutions and programs where they will thrive.* I help students develop their academic and extra-curricular interests, build leadership skills, explore passions through on-campus and summer opportunities, and then put together applications that showcase themselves in ways they can be proud of

Director of College Counseling Services

Margosian College Counseling

June 1, 2016 ~ now , 8.6 years

I provide intentional, extensive, and personal/individualized guidance to all students:* I offer an in-depth, multi-year approach to help students and their families navigate the college search and application process, scholarships and financial aid, enrichment summer programs, and other options (gap year, military, etc).* I meet students where they are, get to know them, and help them find institutions and programs where they will thrive.* I help students develop their academic and extra-curricular interests, build leadership skills, explore passions through on-campus and summer opportunities, and then put together applications that showcase themselves in ways they can be proud of

College Counselor

Private School

Aug. 1, 2014 ~ June 30, 2016 , 1.9 years

Worked with students from across the world on university placement.

Director of College Counseling

Boarding School

Aug. 1, 2011 ~ June 30, 2014 , 2.9 years

Worked with students from across the world on university placement.

College Counselor

Private School

Aug. 1, 2008 ~ June 30, 2011 , 2.9 years

Worked with students from across the world on university placement.




School Categories

Liberal Arts Colleges

Schools in the West Coast USA

Schools in the East Coast USA

Historically Black Colleges and Universities


Major Categories



Math and Science


Social Sciences and Humanities

Accepted Applications

Fall 2021

American Musical and Dramatic Academy, Performing Arts, Bachelor, Standard

Brandeis University, Psychology, Bachelor, Standard

Clark University, Undecided, Bachelor, Standard

Colby College, Undecided, Bachelor, Standard

Dickinson College, Undecided, Bachelor, Standard

Drew University, Theatre Arts/Drama, Bachelor, Standard

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach, Mechanical Engineering, Bachelor, Standard

Emory & Henry College, Undecided, Bachelor, Standard

George Washington University, Psychology, Bachelor, Standard

Georgia Institute of Technology, Engineering, Bachelor, Standard

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Licenses & Certificates

UCLA College Counseling Certificate

Jan. 1, 2014


Verified Reviews verified

One Hour College Advising

Standard enrollment, 25 schools

I work with students on an hourly basis. This option offers flexibility to the students and families who can schedule single or multiple sessions as the need arises during the process to go over a college list, to work on an essay or application, understand the financial aid process and/or financial aid offers, or to ask questions about applications. Payment is required at the time of service.

Topics may inlcude:

- Consulting


$ 150

Building your LIst!

Standard enrollment, 25 schools

Over 2-3 meetings,

1. School List

$ 450

2 days, We'll have 3-4 visits, each lasting 60-90 minutes to develop a balanced list of suggested institutions that meet your academic, social, financial, and other needs.


$ 450

Comprehensive Undergraduate Admission Package

Standard enrollment, 10 schools

I assist high school students through a step-by-step process to search for appropriate schools, extra-curricular/leadership development, essay writing, applications, financial aid, interviews, visit planning, and more.

1. Application Planning

$ 250

5 days, Upon receipt of transcript and standardized test results (if any)

2. School List

$ 750

5 days, Upon receipt of transcript, test results (if any), and general questionnaire. List creation will happen over 2-3 meetings (emailed/texted questions in between). We'll have an extensive conversation in the first meeting; I'll provide a list of schools that meet discussed criteria. After researching and visiting, we'll meet again for students/families to provide feedback/ask questions. We will tweak the list to help narrow and focus over time.

3. Extracurricular Activities

$ 250

5 days, Upon receipt of resume or list of all extra-curricular activities. We will write, edit, and format descriptions and other needed information to best present the student to colleges, and fill in the Common App. This includes early discussion with students about development of leadership and initiative to showcase the student's talents and strengths.

4. Essay Editing

$ 1,000

5 days, Upon receipt of initial ideas for topics. We can do extensive brainstorming and drafting. Includes 3 rounds of comments, and 1 final round of language edits for the Common Application essays, up to 2 more major essays (the UC application Insight Questions counts as 1), and 5 supplemental essays. Students may swap 1 major essay for 2 supplemental.

5. Application Final Review

$ 125

3 days, All documents ready; provide proofreading, final packaging help, and more

6. School Final Decision

$ 125

5 days, Upon receipt of request when all admission decisions are released

7. Financial Aid Assistance

$ 250

5 days,


$ 2,750

Personal Statement Coaching

Standard enrollment, 5 schools

I walk students through the entire essay writing process. We'll do extensive brainstorming and drafting. Package includes up to 3 rounds of comments/1 final round of edits for the Common Application essay, up to 2 more major essays (UC application Insight Questions counts as 1), and 5 supplemental essays; students may swap on 1 major essay for 2 supplementals

1. Essay Editing

$ 1,000

5 days, Package includes up to 3 rounds of comments/1 final round of edits for the Common Application essay, up to 2 more major essays (UC application Insight Questions counts as 1), and 5 supplemental essays; students may swap on 1 major essay for 2 supplementals


$ 1,000